The MEP Messenger | Job Relations in Lincoln; Alison DeFord Webinar; HACCP; Process Control Essentials in August

Joe Roy leads a 2020 Job Relations workshop in Scottsbluff
Joe Roy leads a 2020 Job Relations workshop in Scottsbluff

Job relations workshop in Lincoln, June 29

The Nebraska MEP is presenting an in-person Job Relations workshop in Lincoln on June 29. The one-day class is part of the MEP’s supervisor development series. The workshop runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m and will be held at the VIP Training Space in Lincoln. The cost is $200 per person and incl Continue reading…


Connected marketing system for manufacturers, June 11

Allison DeFordThis free webinar with seasoned manufacturing marketing expert, Alison DeFord, focuses on making your customer ‘the hero of your story’. Shared values with your customer base reduces price objections and sales to competitors while dramatically increasing referrals.

Allison DeFord, Trailblazer at Fe Continue reading…


HACCP Workshop Aug 11-12

HACCP Workshop Aug 11-12Learn the regulatory requirements and best practices of developing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan. Dr. Byron Chaves will lead the 2-day workshop will lead the course based upon approved curriculum of the “International HACCP Alliance”. The cost is $400 per person includi Continue reading…


Process Control Essentials Workshop, Aug 3-4

The workshop will be held in the UNL College of Engineering pilot plant facilityProcess Control Essentials is a hands-on workshop designed to equip bioprocessing personnel with an understanding of PID control loops using pilot scale equipment. The workshop will be held in the UNL College of Engineering pilot plant facility in Lincoln, August 3-4. Participants will receive a ce Continue reading…

Originally published June 7, 2021 - Submit an Item