Job relations workshop in Lincoln, June 29

Joe Roy leads a 2020 Job Relations workshop in Scottsbluff
Joe Roy leads a 2020 Job Relations workshop in Scottsbluff

The Nebraska MEP is presenting an in-person Job Relations workshop in Lincoln on June 29. The one-day class is part of the MEP’s supervisor development series. The workshop runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m and will be held at the VIP Training Space in Lincoln. The cost is $200 per person and includes lunch and training materials. Space is limited to 15 participants.

“Most companies are not able to find additional staff, so they are investing in their current high-potential employees,” says Joe Roy, Nebraska MEP’s business development specialist. “We’ve seen impacts across the state through this program and we’re excited to bring back our in-person offerings.” In addition to regional workshops like this, the MEP offers on-site classes for companies with larger groups to train. “This is a great opportunity for smaller companies to send 3-4 employees for a day,” added Roy. Future sessions for other locations across the state are being planned.

All participants must register in advance by June 25. Details at