Connected marketing system for manufacturers, June 11

Allison DeFord
Allison DeFord

This free webinar with seasoned manufacturing marketing expert, Alison DeFord, focuses on making your customer ‘the hero of your story’. Shared values with your customer base reduces price objections and sales to competitors while dramatically increasing referrals.

Allison DeFord, Trailblazer at Felt Marketing, is on a mission to strengthen the heart and soul of manufacturing for generations by helping manufacturers retrofit their marketing systems to make sales easier. Modifying traditional systems with modern components, ensuring you’re not only seen, heard, but felt. She’s also the overly-caffeinated co-host of the MFG OutLoud podcast that tees up courageous sales and marketing conversations for manufacturers.

Take advantage of DeFord’s expertise and learn how you can apply these proven methods to your operation to make sales easier. Register in advance at