UNL will participate in the Big Event, a national day to volunteer and give back to the community, on April 21. Faculty, staff and students have until March 30 to register as a volunteer. Register at http://go.unl.edu/bm4.
The Big Event, a national organization started at Texas A&M in 1982, aims to give back to local communities through one day of service. At UNL more than 2,500 students, faculty, and staff are expected to volunteer and give thanks to Lincoln this spring as part of The Big Event. The organization is entirely student-run and funded by donations from the community.
More than 150 groups from UNL volunteered to serve last year.
Faculty, staff and students can volunteer as a group or individually. Big Event staff members connect volunteers with a site for the day.
The Big Event at UNL is based on the same core values as its predecessor at Texas A&M: service and unity. The Big Event views service broadly to encompass the needs of the community without respect to socioeconomic status. Additionally, community is not viewed simply as a place to live, but an opportunity to create meaningful relationships and give to something greater.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/qrb