Internships are not about the money… but it helps. The value of an internship is the real experience gained by the student. However, not all internships are paid and for some students, it is not possible to accept an unpaid internship. Three years ago, Career Services began the Internship Scholarship program to reduce the financial barriers that prevent some students from pursuing experience in their career field of interest. Funding for the scholarships (which range individually from $1,000 to $1,250) is provided by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Last year, 11 students were awarded an internship scholarship.
Applications for the Internship Scholarship Program are now available and will be accepted until Friday, April 13th at noon in Career Services, 230 Nebraska Union. To be considered for the award, students must submit applications detailing a secured internship within the non-profit, humanitarian, scientific research (non-profit) or government sector.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/nhx