Students are settling into their #HuskerHomes. Why not show off the new digs? Enter the #MyHuskerHome Room Style Showdown going on now through Sept. 3. Compete for the best rooms on campus at NEBRASKA.
Winners' doors will be decorated as the best rooms in the #MyHuskerHome Room Style Showdown, receive awesome Husker swag and a custom printed #MyHuskerHome pillowcase cover. The first 10 entries will receive Husker swag.
A student panel will judge rooms in these four categories: Husker spirit, best use of space and/or organization, creativity and use of color, and best use of repurposed decor/sustainable living.
The best rooms at NEBRASKA will be announced Monday, Sept. 13 on the competition website.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/room-showdown