What do Huskers need to know about getting tested for sexually transmitted infections?

Students may qualify for sexual health services for free or at a reduced cost at the University Health Center.
Students may qualify for sexual health services for free or at a reduced cost at the University Health Center.

Most sexually transmitted infections have no signs or symptoms, so the only way to know if you have one is to get tested. Anyone sexually active should get tested annually for common STIs and HIV.

What tests does the University Health Center offer?
Common tests that we offer are chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis (A, B and C), herpes, HIV and syphilis.

What type of testing will I need?
• Chlamydia, gonorrhea: swab of genital area or urine sample
• Hepatitis, HIV: blood test
• Genital herpes: blood test or swab of affected area
• Syphillis: blood test or sample from sore

What does it cost?
University students who are 24 or younger and do not have or cannot use insurance, may qualify for sexual health services for free or a reduced cost at the University Health Center. If you are interested in utilizing grant funds to cover the costs of your sexual health services, please speak to a provider or nursing staff during your appointment for more details.

What should I tell my provider?
Remember to be honest and open with your provider about your sexual history. They are there to help, not judge you. What you share will help your doctor choose the most appropriate tests for your circumstances so your testing will not cost more than necessary. Your risk factors will determine exactly which tests are most important for you.

Who will know I got tested?
All lab services and clinic medical records are strictly confidential. This information is kept between you and your doctor.

If you have charges for an STI test, they will be transferred to your Student Account within 30 days of the visit. These charges do not give details of your visit and will only appear as “Health Center Visit Charges.” No one will know from your charges that you received STI testing at the health center.
If you use health insurance to get tested, you should consider who else has access to that information (like a parent or partner if you share health insurance). If you do not want to submit your charge to insurance, please tell the front desk staff member at check-in.

How do I get tested for STIs and/or HIV at the health center?
Call 402.472.5000 to schedule a health center appointment, or visit our webpage to learn more about the sexual and reproductive health services we offer to students.

More details at: https://health.unl.edu/sexual-and-reproductive-health-services