Face coverings may still be required in some classes

Face coverings may still be required in some classes.
Face coverings may still be required in some classes.

In the absence of a UNL face covering requirement or Directed Health Measure from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, there are some instances where face coverings may be required or requested in classrooms given the current transmission level of COVID-19 in the community.

  • Face coverings may be required in classes or academic activities where it is necessary for students to work in close proximity to each other for an extended period of time.
  • Face coverings may also be required in a class where the instructor or a student or their immediate family members have documented health-related issues related to the vaccines.

If face coverings are required in a class, it will be noted in the course syllabus.

An individual instructor may also have a preference that face coverings be worn in their class. In this instance, instructors may ask, but not require, that students do so.

Students are advised to keep a face covering with them at all times throughout the spring term.