Have you ever been writing a dissertation, manuscript, or thesis and needed a good way to manage all your citations? Working with many sources can be difficult and messing up just once can severely affect your credibility. With software like EndNote, you can organize and format bibliographers and citations in many different formats like APA, and MLA.
But what if you’ve never used EndNote? Not to worry, because you can learn all you need to know with Melissa Gomis in an informational Zoom session from 2 to 3 p.m. November 3.
Gomis is an associate professor of practice teaching and learning librarian and is excited to help you start your journey with EndNote.
To get started, you can go to Huskertech and get EndNote downloaded on your computer for a discounted rate or if you just want EndNote Basic, they can set it up for free.
Then you can register for the library workshop with Gomis. She will help you set up the EndNote library, save references and pdfs, and teach you to create and edit bibliographies. She will also be available to answer any questions you have and set you up to be a successful EndNote user.