“Whose Business Is It Anyway? Or, How the American Birth Control League Waged Battle Against Commercial Birth Control Clinics in the 1930s” is the topic for a Women's and Gender Studies lecture 3:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Nebraska Union. Holz is a historian and the associate director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program.
Drawing on her recent book on the history of Planned Parenthood, Holz will describe the birth control clinic movement in the 1930s, which witnessed the emergence not just of the more commonly described charity clinics but also commercial ones.
What Holz reveals is an unexpected story ― about the breadth of the clinic movement and the charity movement’s efforts to contain it.
The free talk is open to the public. Room will be posted in the Union.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/gyb