If you have tried every weight loss diet and exercise program, only to shed a few pounds that you end up gaining back later, this is the program for you. Meet with our Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist, Certified Personal Trainers and Registered Dietitian to teach you the skills and knowledge necessary to manage your weight in a healthy and fun environment.
Well on Your Weigh is a 3-step weight management program that will help you to begin and maintain your weight-loss efforts. The complete program is broken into three progressive steps (Get Started, Step It Up, and Take Charge) and participants can start at the step they feel best accommodates their fitness level.
Step 1- Get Started will begin Monday, January 18 and last until Thursday, February 11.
Step 2- Step It Up will begin February 15 through March 10, and Step 3- Take Charge will begin March 28 through April 21.
Get Started! will provide participants with:
• 12 group exercise sessions over 4 week period
• Unlimited access to a dietitian and exercise specialist
• Personalized meal plan
• Free Omron pedometer and online tracking site
• EveryMove and MyFitnessPal team to tack nutrition and exercise online and build community
• Personalized attention to meet your goals
All sessions meet during these times:
Mondays, 12:10-12:50 p.m., RWC, Wellness Kitchen
Tuesdays, 7-7:40 a.m., CREC, Fitness Studio
Wednesdays, 7-7:40 a.m., Mabel Lee Pool
Thursdays, 7-7:40 a.m., CREC, Fitness Studio
Cost of the 4-week program is $79 *plus Campus Rec membership if not currently a UNL student or CREC member.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/weigh