Athletic Training Basics classes begin Jan. 26/27
Athletic Training Basics classes begin Jan. 26 at the Campus Rec Center. The two non-credit class sessions teach the basic skills of injury prevention and care. The course also prepares students for the UNL Athletic Training program or to become an Injury Prevention & Care staff member with UNL Campus Recreation.
Two options are available:
• Tuesdays | Jan. 26–Apr.5 | 7:30–9:30 p.m.
• Wednesdays | Jan. 27–Apr. 6 | 7:30–9:30 p.m.
Topics covered include: first aid, measuring blood pressure, taping and wrapping, stretching, and basic injury evaluation.
All lessons meet at the Campus Rec Center, Suite 230. Fees are $30 for UNL students and Campus Rec members. Registration deadline is Jan. 25 and sign up is available online at shopcrec.unl.edu or in person at the Campus Rec Member Services Desk.
Questions? Contact Jen Krueger at jkrueger7@unl.edu.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/hqt4