Students, faculty and staff are invited to enjoy a free healthy lunch while learning about the different aspects of eating disorders and recovery on Tuesday, Feb. 23 from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Nebraska Union. This event is part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. RSVPs are required. RSVP by Monday, Feb. 22 at: http://ow.ly/YgvsJ
Please bring a book about health, well-being, or body image to donate to the Karen Miller Eating Disorder Library.
Other National Eating Disorder Awareness Week events are also open to all students, faculty and staff. Events include:
Monday, Feb. 22: Navigating the Student Dining Halls 101, Body Positive Yoga
Tuesday, Feb. 23: Luncheon, Robyn Cruze Presentation: Story of Recovery
Wednesday, Feb. 24: If You Want a Cookie, Have a Cookie
Thursday, Feb. 25: Make It Yourself - Salad in Jar
Friday, Feb. 26: Stress Relief Play Day
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Room with a View Interactive Display
For more information about these events, please visit: http://health.unl.edu/loveyourbody
UNL's National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is sponsored by: HOPE (Healthy Outlook Peer Educators), UNL Eating Disorders Awareness Team, University Health Center, UNL Women's Center, Active Minds, The Coffee House, UNL Dining Services, UNL International Engagement, Student Health 101, Campus Rec, National Eating Disorders Association, Eating Recovery Center, and Union Bank and Trust.
More details at: http://health.unl.edu/loveyourbody