
Sock drive on campus to help homeless veterans

SVO and Put A Sock In It logosThe UNL Student Veterans Organization and Put A Sock In It will be hosting a new/gently used sock drive to help homeless veterans in our community. Sock collection will be from March 2 to March 11, 2016. A kickoff event will be held on the Union Plaza on March 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Continue reading…


New Student-Parent RSO

Student Parent Association LogoThe Student Parent Association is a new RSO dedicated to helping students who are parents achieve success at UNL. The next meetings will be held March 2nd and March 16th at 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Women's Center, located in room 340 in the Student Union. Everyone is welcome. Continue reading…

More details at:

How To Do Drag Workshop

Learn the basics of how to lip sync, walk, dress, and do your makeup! March 3rd at 6 PM in the Nebraska Union (room will be posted). Cosponsored by the LGBTQA+ Resource Center and Spectrum.

More details at:

Snow Stomp: Free Dance on March 4 at East Union

This is a FREE event for all UNL students! The CASNR Advisory Board is hosting their annual spring semester dance, Snow Stomp on Friday, March 4, from 9PM-12AM in the Nebraska East Union Great Plains Room.
This is a FREE event for all UNL students! There will also be some sweet gift card giveaways to students' favorite local restaurants! Continue reading…


Register to vote with TurboVote!

Turbo VoteThis program allows you to easily register to vote online and sends you an addressed, stamped envelope for your local election office. You can verify or update your voter registration, request an absentee ballot by mail. Visit for important election dates and candidate information.

More details at:

The Science (and Art) of Running 100 Miles

logoRunning 100 miles in under 30 hours without much rest, sounds crazy right? Join us at this SciPop Talk when Angela Hodge explains that it’s not as difficult as it sounds if you understand the science (and art) behind this seemingly crazy sport.

More details at:
Originally published February 28, 2016 - Submit an Item