On March 11, 2016, the UNL Women’s and Gender Studies Program will host the No Limits Student Research Conference, “Sexuality and Gender in the Digital Age.” The conference will feature 40 projects on a wide variety of topics and students from across the region will present in the City Campus Union.
The keynote address, “Pleasure and Danger: Sex, Violence, and Ethics in the Age of Digital Media,” by Dr. Meenakshi Gigi Durham will be at 5pm in the Union Auditorium. Dr. Durham is professor of journalism and mass communication and gender, women’s and sexuality studies at the University of Iowa. Her work centers on media and the politics of the body, and her research emphasizes issues of gender, sexuality, race, youth cultures, and sexual violence. Dr. Durham is the author of the widely acclaimed book, The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It, which was published in 2008 and appeared in the popular documentary, Miss Representation. A reception, hosted by the University of Nebraska Foundation, will follow Dr. Durham’s talk. The keynote also kicks off the Women’s and Gender Studies Spring 2016 Colloquium Series.
“No Limits” is an annual student conference dedicated to crossing boundaries between disciplines and exploring a wide range of women’s and gender issues. It is sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Studies programs at UNO, UNK, and UNL. This year’s conference is co-sponsored by UNL’s Students Advocating Gender Equality (SAGE), the Academic Senate Convocations Committee, Research Council, Pepsi Endowment Fund, the University Program Council, and a wide variety of programs, colleges, and departments across the university.
For more information about the conference, please see the conference webpage, http://www.unl.edu/wgs/no-limits-2016. The conference is free and open to the public. For more information about the Women’s & Gender Studies Spring 2016 Colloquium Series, see the colloquium webpage, http://www.unl.edu/wgs/colloquium-series.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/yne9