Studying abroad is by far one of the most beneficial experiences you can have as a college student, take it from someone who has been there. The rewards and opportunities that arise from traveling independently, studying and interacting in other countries, and deepening your appreciation for cultural differences are priceless.
The College of Business Administration (CBA) currently hosts eight study abroad programs all over the world. One of the incredible opportunities CBA offers is a Japanese Business Language & Culture exchange program with Senshu University, located near Tokyo in Japan. Students earn 17 credit hours in Japanese language, culture and BSAD 491 (6 hrs). Our partnership with Senshu just celebrated its 30th Anniversary, which speaks to the strength and popularity of the program. There are countless reasons why students have chosen this program in the past, and here are the three most popular draws that have kept students coming back for three decades:
1. Cross-cultural Interactions. Each and every student who has returned from Senshu has loved the amount of social interaction between the American, Japanese, and other international students. UNL students even have a Japanese roommate. The Japanese students always do a wonderful job of putting on social events where all those at the university are welcome to come and meet new friends from all over the world!
2. Comparable to, yet unique from the UNL Experience. Senshu’s student population is just under 20,000. The size of the campus has made UNL students feel right at home while being thousands of miles away from Lincoln. With afternoons free most days, you will have an abundance of free time to go on field trips to museums, Kabuki plays, calligraphy lessons, and numerous business visits already included in the cost of the program! The experiences you will have on Senshu’s campus and throughout all of Japan will yield the adventure of a lifetime you would not have otherwise. Students may worry about how studying abroad will affect their class schedule and expected graduation date. Well you’re in luck! Studying in Japan will allow you to gain 17 transfer credits towards your degree and keep you right on track. Even better, you only pay for 15 credit hours!
3. Depth of Cultural Immersion. While you are in Japan, you will improve your working knowledge of the language through class presentations and countless interactions with professors, students, and local businesses in the area. Your roommate will help you practice every day too. One amazing opportunity that has always been a favorite in the past is the three day Home Visit Program that Senshu offers. During this time, you are able to take a weekend to live with a local family and truly experience their lives and culture in a very real and personal way.
These are just a few of the reasons Senshu may be a good match for you personally, academically, and professionally. The application deadline for this program is March 15, 2016 at If you don’t take my word for it, check out what Ben Norton, a 2011 Senshu alum, has to say about the program!
“Studying abroad is like going through childhood all over again; new sights, new sounds, new tastes, and best of all new friends. The knowledge and experiences I gained from studying abroad in Japan at Senshu University has allowed me to see the world in a new way. Like putting on a new pair of glasses, it’s enabled me to view personal and professional challenges from various cultural perspectives, and in turn, more quickly uncover solutions. This skill has proven to be especially advantageous since I now live and work in Japan (made possible through the connections I made while studying abroad). There’s no better way to learn than to go on an adventure…how else can you know what the world has to offer unless you see for yourself? As the American author H. Jackson Brown Jr. once wrote, ‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.’”-Ben Norton
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