Join us for the UNL Spring Research Fair

Students showcasing their research and creative activity.
Students showcasing their research and creative activity.

The UNL Spring Research Fair will take place April 12 to in the Nebraska Union. The event will showcase undergraduate and graduate student research and creative accomplishments at UNL. Workshops for faculty covering commercialization of research will also be included.

The Graduate Student Research and Creative Activities Poster Session and Competition will be 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 in the Centennial Room and Ballroom of the Nebraska Union. This year’s poster session will showcase work from masters and doctoral students across campus through multimedia presentations and traditional research posters. The Office of Research and Economic Development and the Office of Graduate Studies are hosting a graduate student poster competition and will award 12 $400 travel grants to students whose research poster is deemed outstanding by faculty judges.

On Wednesday, April 13, the Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Activities Poster Session will run from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Centennial Room and Ballroom. More than 200 undergraduate students will share their research and creative activity through print posters, electronic posters and multimedia presentations.

See the full schedule of events on the Spring Research Fair website and plan to join us in support and celebration of our students. Faculty, staff, students, and the public are encouraged to attend.

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