Vote for Give Back. Big. grant proposals. Twelve students and organizations have proposed ways to give back to their community and change the world around them. By voting, you give a person/organization the chance to win $1,000 and help serve the community yourself. Vote by 11/15 and Go Big Red! Continue reading…
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Do you have questions about health insurance and how it works? Come get your questions answered at the Open Enrollment Open House on Monday, Nov. 14 from 1-2 p.m. or Tuesday, Nov. 15 from 4-5 p.m in the University Health Center Basement.
Registered Dietitian Caitlin McCann will present information about the Nebraska Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program (WIC) and how it can benefit students who are pregnant or parenting children age five and under. November 15th from 11- noon Nebraska Union 338. Free and open to the public. Continue reading…
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Learn ways to keep your "Friendsgiving" and office potlucks healthy. Come hungry Tuesday, November 15th at 6 pm. We will provide recipes with healthy potluck options, each group will prepare a dish and have a full homemade potluck during the class! Continue reading…
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Music in the Adele Hall Learning Commons
Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
The concert series Notes@Noon in the Adele Hall Learning Commons will feature a performance by the Amore String Quartet on November 16 at Noon. Come and enjoy classical music in the wonderful environment of the Continue reading… Add to my calendar (.ics)
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Have you or someone you know experienced sexual trauma? Has this election season been triggering for you? For a safe place to discuss these issues, join us for a supportive and confidential discussion Thursday, November 17th, 2 pm, 338 Nebraska Union. Continue reading…
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As part of International Education Week, University Housing is hosting an Intercultural Education Festival on Friday, Nov. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the University Suites Multipurpose room. Twelve countries will be represented with informational activities about school in their society. Light snacks!
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ASUN's Graduate Student Assembly is unrolling a new program funding graduate student conference travel-- apply by November 30 for travel grants for Spring 2017! Continue reading…
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The Big Event wouldn't be possible without the help of the Operations Staff. These dedicated students volunteer their time to assist the Executive Team as we prepare for this BIG day of service across the Lincoln community. Applications close on November 22nd. Continue reading…
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The Nebraska Crew Club is looking for new members to recruit to their team for the upcoming season. No experience necessary. Contact for more information.
Turn your dreams of traveling through Europe after graduation into a reality with the Nebraska Alumni Association and AESU Alumni World Travel. During the 18-day trip, Huskers will visit England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Vatican City and the Greek Isles. Continue reading…
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