Oct 26
History plus mystery provide the perfect ingredients for conjuring up an evening of unexplainable, eerie, extraordinary and strange stories about Lincoln. Get into the Halloween spirit by boarding the bus to experience these tales on the Ghosts of Lincoln Bus Tour, which will cover the city from the state penitentiary to the Capitol building to the UNL and Nebraska Wesleyan campuses with many private residences included.
Tour guide Scott Colborn will relate 30 to 40 spooky stories as the bus travels to 20 viewing sites. There may even be a mention of Bigfoot and a UFO. Participants are welcome to share their personal encounters with ghosts and ghostly attire is optional. Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic beverages if you wish. One rest stop will be included.
Course Number: 18252EV
Registration Deadline: Thu, Oct 19
Event Day/Date: Thu, Oct 26
Time: 7-9:15 p.m.
Cost: $20 includes bus transportation. Cancellation after the registration deadline date will be nonrefundable.
Register for this event online: https://cehs25.unl.edu/wconnect/ace/quickpick.awp
Register by telephone: 402-472-6255
Please have your credit card handy.