The next concert of the Arts for the Soul Music & Fine Arts Series for the 2017-18 season is “Sing from the Heart—Songs of Light and Hope,” on Friday, November 3, 7 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church, 840 S. 17th St.
Featuring the First Presbyterian Choir with conductor Dr. Brian Pfoltner and pianist Dr. Charles W. Ore, this year the popular dessert concert and charity fundraiser takes a new turn with special guests the i2 Choir, an inclusive and intergenerational choral ensemble. They encourage “singing teams” who sing with and support family members and friends with a variety of physical, sensory, and cognitive challenges.
Along with the i2 Choir, Arts for the Soul welcomes back guest soloist Daniel Martinez, guitar. In addition to great music, there will also be fabulous desserts served during the intermission. Guest speakers will be Dr. Rhonda Fuelberth, who directs the i2 Choir, and Morrie Enders, Executive Director of the Lincoln Community Playhouse.
Arts for the Soul offers a ticket discount to OLLI members.
Your ticket provides you with not only great music but with fabulous desserts as well.
Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors, $12 for OLLI members, $8 for students, and children under 12 are $2. For further information contact First Presbyterian Church at (402) 477-6037, or go to the church website at: http://fpclincoln.org/ and click on Arts for the Soul.
Tickets may be purchased at the church Mon.-Thurs. from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. & Friday 8 to noon, or by check or cash, or online with a credit card or PayPal account. Also available at the door the evening of the concert if tickets remain. Seating is Limited.
More details at: http://fpclincoln.org/music/arts-for-the-soul-16-17/sing-from-the-heart-songs-of-light-and-hope/