The UNL Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design is seeking participants for a study on the impact of textiles and clothing on the experiences of aging and caregiving. The first phase of the study involves talking with older adults, family members, caregivers and facility managers/administrators.
The interview-based study is phase 1 of a larger / longer research project that will also include observational research in various kinds of care settings (phase 2), and a best practices / literature review of interior design as it relates to eldercare settings, with a special focus on textiles. The project is considered to be of minimal risk and has been approved by the University's research ethics board.
Participants will receive a $25 store gift card for their participation in the study, which involves a face to face or video-conference interview of between 1 - 1.5 hours.
For more information, contact:
Claire Nicholas, assistant professor, Textiles and Material Culture, Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, 214 Home Economics Building, UNL, 402-472-5435 or email
More details at: