Discover strategies and everyday solutions from health and wellness professionals to help you stay sharp throughout your life. The symposium takes place on Friday, Nov 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., at Southeast Community, Continuing Education Center.
Active Aging: Engaging the Powers within You
Kimberly Barrett, M.Ed, CWPD, ACE, wellness specialist, Ameritas
Mind-FULL Eating: Fuel Your Mind and Body for Longevity
Amanda Robine, R.D., educational coordinator, Wellness and Nutrition, UNL Barrett and Robine’s engaging presentations will highlight everyday solutions to set the stage for a quality life as you age. Special attention will be given to the powers of movement, positivity and laughter, as well as specific tips to healthy eating for the optimum aging experience.
Tracie Foreman, health educator and personal trainer, Health and Fitness, Aging Partners Foreman will introduce and lead us in two mini-sessions— Dynamic Movement and Refresh and Recharge to Relax. These can be done from a seated or standing position.
Event Day: Friday, Nov 2
Registration Deadline: Friday, Oct 26
Time: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: Southeast Community College, Continuing Education Center, 301 s. 68th St. Place
OLLI and Aging Partners cannot register you for this event.
To register, call Southeast Community College Continuing Education, 402-437-2700.
Payment is due at the time of registration.
Sponsored by:
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNL
Aging Partners Area Agency on Aging
Southeast Community College