Only two weeks remain until fall classes begin meeting on August 17, 2020. Here’s a few things your student can do to ease their return to campus and minimize delays.
1. Order textbooks online and have them delivered to their current address.
In order to maintain proper physical distancing during the early weeks of the upcoming fall semester, Huskers are encouraged to order books before August 4 and have the materials shipped directly to their current address before coming to campus. Books purchased online from the University Bookstore can be shipped for free or at a nominal cost, depending on the size of the order.
Ordering early and receiving the materials at your current address will decrease crowd size at the bookstore during the first two weeks of class – and minimize the possibility of your student standing in a very long (and physically distanced) line for an extended time. These early purchases also will facilitate the application of financial aid funds to University Bookstore purchases made with the NCard account.
2. If they need a new NCard, apply for it now.
For health and safety reasons, online ordering is the only option for requesting a new NCard at this time. They can use the easy online form to enter the required information and upload a headshot photo. Students receive an email when their new card is ready and can schedule an appointment time to pick it up.
3. Get an appointment with Husker Hub to talk about financial aid or class registrations.
Your student can get ahead by using this week to schedule an appointment. Due to COVID-19 precautions, they can visit with a specialist by phone and/or Zoom from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday–Friday. To schedule an individual session, your student can call 402-472-2030 or send a message to huskerhub@unl.edu.
4. Order a parking permit.
Parking & Transit Services has a handy online Student Parking Permit Purchase Guide that explains the various permit options and costs. It also will walk students through the steps of ordering online. For additional assistance, call 402-472-1800.
5. Set up for success with academic coaching and well-being coaching.
The Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) coaches provide support to undergraduate students by helping strengthen academic skills. The coaches build supportive relationships with each student to identify areas for enhancement, learn study and life skills, and create action plans. Your student can schedule a 1-on-1 appointment here.
Big Red Resilience and Well-being (BRRWB) offers well-being coaching by trained peers. Sessions focus on gratitude, social connection, stress management, emotional awareness, strength building, growth mindsets and transitions – all through the use of the nine dimensions of well-being. Your student can schedule a well-being coaching session now so they are ready to start the fall semester refreshed and balanced.
6. Set up a Handshake account with Career Services to look for a campus job or to prep for the fall career fair.
Many departments use the online portal for students to quickly apply for jobs and upload their résumé and application materials.
Additionally, Handshake is the spot to apply for professional jobs, and it will be the spot for the University Virtual Fall Career Fair (September 22-25, 2020).
7. Visit HuskerTech to make sure your student is up-to-date on their computer software and hardware.
Check out their handy online list of the laptop, software and tablet requirements for select majors and colleges to be sure you know what may be needed to start the semester. Software can only be ordered online, yet you can shop for other items in person at the on-campus computer shop in the lower-level of the Nebraska Union or arrange for curbside pick-up.
8. Sign up for mail forwarding at the local post office or online.
This is a quick and easy task to check off the list before your student moves to campus or elsewhere in Lincoln. It only takes a few minutes and will prevent important letters and bills from being delayed in arriving to your student. Here’s a step-by-step guide to signing up.
9. Tune up the bicycle to get around.
If your Husker plans to use a bike to quickly travel between classes, around downtown, or between City and East Campuses, make sure they keep it in good working order. They can contact your local bike shop to schedule a tune-up to check the gears, brakes, chains, wheels, and more. If they’re already in Lincoln, the UNL Outdoor Adventures Center’s Bike Shop is open at 14th and W Streets and can perform the tune-ups and repairs they may need.
If your student left a bicycle in a campus bike rack when the university closed in March, it can still be claimed. More than 100 bikes were removed from racks and placed in secure storage for students to reclaim when they return to campus. Read more here about how to reconnect your Husker with their bike.