For those of us who work at the University, this is a joyful time of the year. With the influx of students comes a renewed energy. Seeing the eagerness of incoming freshmen and watching upperclassmen return from internships, travels abroad and vacations at home creates a contagious excitement. (We don’t mind that is harder to find parking spaces, the food lines are longer in the Unions, and that the students are constantly introducing new words into the English language.)
For parents this time of year can bring mixed emotions as your son or daughter may be moving into their residence hall for the first time. While it is exciting to see them take a great step toward independence and adulthood, you recognize that they will not be coming home every night, nor will they call as often as you would like them to – and when they do, often it is to ask, “Can you deposit more money in my checking account?” Know that usually students are happier than they lead you to believe.
Here are some tips to help you help your student succeed at UNL. Feel free to share these bits of wisdom with your son/daughter.
• Tip #1: Since most majors require 120 credits for graduation, students must complete an average 30 credits per year to graduate in four years.
• Tip #2: Studies show that students are more successful if they become engaged in the University community. UNL has over 500 student organizations for students to pick from.
• Tip #3: The University has many tutoring services to help students such as the Math Center, Writing Center, Chemistry Resource Center and study stops.
• Tip #4: Keeping students well is a priority. We have a great University Health Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
• Tip #5: For students needing assistance in managing their financial matters, we have the Student Money Management Center and for those interested in serving the greater good, the Center for Civic Engagement can be most helpful.
• Tip #6: For students wanting to maintain their physical health, Campus Recreation sponsors 44 intramural sports and 32 club sports. For those who prefer to work out on their own, we also have campus recreation facilities on both the City and East Campus.
• Tip #7: Campus NightLife offers many late-night alcohol-free activities on campus for students.
• Tip #8: Students can enhance their UNL experience by attending cultural events at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center and performances at the Lied Center. Many are free for students!
• Tip #9: As a reminder, Family Weekend (formerly known as Parents’ Weekend) is scheduled for Sept. 23-25. You can register online at
We are excited your student chose to become a Husker. If you have any questions please e-mail me at