Many students in college don't remember how much they have taken out in student loans, even though they must accept the loans each fall through the MyRed website. However, it's very important for your students to know how much they have in student loans. Knowing this information should help your student decide if and how much they should be working, how much they need to be saving for the next school year, and what their salary requirement will be after graduation.
The Student Money Management Center knows that financial aid, and especially student loans, can be confusing, and is here to help answer any questions that your student may have. Your student can always call us at 402-472-9093 or email us at if they have a quick question, or stop by our office in room 237 of the City Union. If they have multiple questions and would like to sit down with someone, we are always available for one-on-one sessions that are free and confidential for students. Your student can sign up for a session with us through our website at
If your student wants to figure out how much they have in student loans, they should check out our handout entitled "How to View Your Federal Student Loan Info." We have copies in our office, or they can view it online. We also have another handout called "Repayment Estimator" that explains how to use an online repayment estimator to help your student figure out what their monthly payments would be after graduation.
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