Need help financing your graduate education?
The Nebraska Department of Education will be offering $600,000 in forgivable loans to teachers pursuing a graduate degree through the "Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program. Teachers must be pursuing an advanced degree in a subject designated as an area of shortage in the state of Nebraska to apply, and loans are forgiven provided recipients continue to teach in Nebraska for two years for each $3000 received in loans.
Since mathematics is an area of shortage, teachers pursuing advanced degrees in mathematics are eligible to apply.
Applications for the July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 award year are available starting April 1, 2013. It is anticipated that full funding will be available; however, the actual funding commitment will not be secure until the legislature has adjourned early in June and funds will not be officially allocated or dispersed until after July 1, 2013. Awards are generally offered on a first come, first served basis, so act now
More information about the program and the application process is available on the NDE website:
More details at: