eSHOP Updates for Shoppers and Requesters

Receiving purchase orders:

Please remember that when you use the non-catalog order form or spend over $5000 someone must acknowledge receipt by completing the QTY RECEIPT from the purchase order available actions. As of the writing of this, there are about 130 invoices held for the receipt.

Visit for a step by step guide.

Recommended Search Filters

The document search tool is very useful when you get to know it. Save your favorite filters and columns to create a “you” friendly system. Invoices will have different filter and columns from purchase orders. There are so many filters and columns to choose from so we are sharing a few favorites.

Search: Purchase Orders
• Filters: PO Owner, Supplier, PO Number, *AP Status, Cost Object
• Columns: PO Owner, Supplier, Matching Status, Receipt Status, AP

Search: Invoices
• Filters: Cost Object, Invoice Owner, Supplier, Invoice Number, PO
Number, Mismatch Reasons
• Columns: Invoice Owner, Supplier Invoice Number, Supplier, PO
Number, Submitted date, Due date, Pay Status

A couple more tips:

DATE SELECTION: You can always use the date tools to review your results but, if you have a favorite, change it before clicking “PIN FILTERS” it will save that date selection. The default date is “in the past 90 days”. If you do not see the results you are expecting, that is usually the culprit.

RESULTS PER PAGE: The default results per age is 6 (yes really). On the far right above the results change the “6 Per Page” to something else. You do not need to pin this, it will hold the selection.

*PO CLEANUP: Search “AP Status = Open” to identify purchase orders remain in an open status. Reasons can vary and often submitting a change order can clear them. Common reasons: re-opened for credit, open line item never delivered, cancelled by department but no change order submitted (be SURE to check that supplier before submitting for PO cancellation), no invoice received.

Step-by-step and video tutorial is available in your profile under Guided Tour Instructions.