10 Ways to Leverage Your RSO's Constitution

RSO Constitution
RSO Constitution

As the Summer begins incoming freshman will be participating in a digital version of New Student Enrollment (Summer Orientation) and learning about the ways they can get involved on campus. The NSE staff will be strongly urging students to search NvolveU to find and join 1 social RSO and 1 RSO that relates to their major.

When students land on your RSO portal they read your constitution to learn more about your RSO. Here are 10 tips on how to update your constitution to leverage it as a passive recruitment tool that will encourage students to join your RSO:

1.) Create Mission & Vision Statements:
Add these statements to description section of your constitution that describe your RSO’s purpose, primary objectives/goals, what you want to become.

2.) Membership Selection Process:
Tell students how your RSO selects new members. Do you simply have them click the join now button, email the president, fill out an application, participate in an interview?

3.) Mention Membership Fees:
Do you charge a membership fee to participate in your RSO? Let students know and how much it costs and the perks or benefits offered by paying membership fees.

4.) Membership Types
Are there different types of memberships such as general membership vs. executive membership? Are their committees that students can be a part of? State the qualifications and requirements for each

5.) Officer Position Descriptions
Update the responsibilities and duties of your officers in the position description section so students know who to contact if they have questions about your RSO.

6.) Org Chart
Create a visual org chart to show how the hierarchy of your RSO and explain how it is structured and organized.

7.) Meetings
Outline the frequently your organization meets. Some students seek to join RSO’s with minimal time committeemen's where others want their RSO participation to be their primary involvement on campus.

8.) Signature Events
What are the large scale events, activities, fundraisers, trips, conferences that your RSO participates in? Listing these makes students aware of the fun they can have being apart of your RSO.

9.) Members Have a Voice
Can new members vote? State how members can propose changes to your RSO, state their concerns, or proudly represent on campus.

10.) Constitution Accessibility
Is your constitution in the documents section of NvolveU? If not, be sure to upload it so students have access to it or reach out to Student Involvement if you can’t find a copy.

More details at: http://https://involved.unl.edu/