Academic Advising Updates: Wellbeing and Priority Registration Timeline

Sydney Webb
Sydney Webb


Each newsletter I will be sharing tips, campus resources, and skills that can help you personally, academically, and professionally. This newsletter’s highlight is dimensions of well-being.

Did you know that well-being isn’t just limited to mental and physical health? There are several models that break out well-being into different themes, but Big Red Resilience & Well-Being focuses on 9 dimensions: Career, Cultural, Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. Find their Well-being Assessment and resources for each dimension here:


Timeline related to Priority Registration:
-March 22: The Fall 2021 Class Schedule will be viewable, and Enrollment Scheduler will be open to plan your scheduler.
-March 29: Your Fall 2021 Enrollment Shopping Cart will be open for you do add classes.
-April 5-20: Priority Registration starts—when it’s your personal appointment time, you’ll be able to enroll in the classes you’ve added to your shopping cart.


*March 1 – May 16: Open Registration for Summer Sessions 2021
*April 5 – April 20: Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2021
*April 16: Last day to withdraw from one or more full semester courses for the term

The Academic Calendar has all the dates you should know about for the whole academic year! You can find it here: