**You must work with Kate Kunzman on an unlisted program abroad application found here: https://myworld.unl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=10081
The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project announces its archaeological investigations for the summer of 2022!
The BVAR Project is hosting its annual summer field school in Belize in Summer 2022. Our fieldwork will focus on the ancient Maya kingdoms of Xunantunich, Cahal Pech and Baking Pot, all located on the outskirts of San Ignacio Town, Belize. Cahal Pech is one of the earliest known Maya sites, and excavations will continue to uncover evidence for the first farming communities dating back as early as 1200 BC. At Baking Pot, excavations will expose portions of the site’s royal palace to examine the role of elite in ancient Maya political systems. Investigations at Xunantunich will continue exposing elite residences to document the abandonment of the site around AD 900.
WHO SHOULD APPLY? Students looking for hands-on field experience in archaeology, including excavation, survey, and lab analysis.
Weekly lectures covering:
• Ancient Maya Civilization
• Maya Epigraphy & Ideology
• Artifact Analysis
• GIS and Remote Sensing
• Osteology & Zooarchaeology
Session I: May 29 to June 25, 2022
Session II: July 3 to July 30, 2022
This opportunity is also available in two-week sessions:
Session I: May 29 to June 11, 2022
Session II: July 3 to July 16, 2022
Registration fees: $2300 US for the one-month field school or
$1200 US per two-week session
Fees include lodging, weekday meals, and transportation to and from the airport and the excavation site.
**Airfare, academic credit, optional trips and personal expenses not included**
Optional Academic credit is available through Northern Arizona University!
Or contact us at BVARarchaeology@gmail.com for more information
More details at: http://WWW.BVAR.ORG