Celebrating Nebraska's Fulbright Community: A joint student and faculty panel and reception on April 4, 2018 at Lied Commons. The purpose of this event is to continue to build the Fulbright culture on campus and provide a venue for celebrating past, present and future Fulbright presence.
Faculty and student panelists include:
Gary Kebbel, Professor in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, has received two Fulbright Specialist awards, both to Africa. In 2014, Gary worked with the U. S. Mission to the Africa Union, a cooperative organization of 54 African nations, to consult on its draft strategic communication plan. Gary was also a Fulbright Senior Specialist in online journalism in 2008. In that role, he worked in Pretoria, South Africa, helping the Journalism Department at Tshwane University of Technology advance its digital media curriculum. In addition, he has also served on the national Specialist Selection Committee.
Petronela Radu, Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson Associate Professor of Mathematics, traveled to Trinity College Dublin in 2013 where she developed research partnerships and shared her expertise with the Trinity community through public lectures.
Currently an ELL Teacher at Lincoln North Star, Cara Morgensen traveled to Poland to teach English on Fulbright in 2012. Cara spent her senior year working in the UCARE program as an intern and editorial assistant for Prairie Schooner before graduating in August 2011 with degrees in English and psychology and a minor in women's and gender studies. Following her studies at UNL, she earned a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and a Teaching Certification from Doane College in 2014. In addition to teaching at North Star, she is pursuing a Ph.D. at Nebraska.
(Additional panelist details to be added as determined.)
RSVP at http://research.unl.edu/events/event.php?eventID=3159