by Geitner Simmons | IANR Media
The amount of available climate data useful for modern agriculture continues to grow, and software applications are now putting it in reach for producers. A recently released app called CliGrow, developed by the High Plains Regional Climate Center, helps producers estimate crop maturity using a field’s historical climate data.
For locations in the lower 48 states, CliGrow shows the 30-year average for growing degree days, a measure of temperature useful to estimate a range when a crop may gain maturity in a new growing season.
“Our primary objective is to provide value-added services to climate data,” with CliGrow the latest example, said Warren Pettee, an applications programmer who developed the CliGrow software as part of his work with the High Plains Regional Climate Center, housed in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources.
Producers can access CliGrow online and plug in specific field locations. Estimates are available for 10 crops — corn, soybeans, wheat, sugar beets, dry beans, sorghum, alfalfa, potatoes, sunflower and grass — with more to be added.
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More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/cligrow-software-provides-practical-climate-data-to-ag-producers/