Aloha! I am Emily Nelson, a going-to-be senior Fisheries and Wildlife major here in the School of Natural Resources. I am extremely fortunate to be spending this summer living and working in Hawaii. More specifically, I am living on the island of O’ahu, which contains the state capital city of Honolulu. I have been blessed with an amazing opportunity to work at the Honolulu Zoo as an instructor for the Honolulu Zoo Society’s Zoo Camp! This has been an experience like no other, and I am so excited to share all about it!
For starters, none of this would have been possible if not for my Auntie, Uncle, and cousins, who have been so kind as to open their home to me for the summer. If any of you are reading this, THANK YOU for making my big dreams come true!
The School of Natural Resources places high value on work experience, and as someone who lives with passion for zoos, wildlife, conservation, and education, I realize that there could not be a better opportunity available for me. The Honolulu Zoo and the Honolulu Zoo Society offer wonderful experiences not only for children (or keiki, in Hawaiian), but also for me as a staff member. I get to educate the next generation of zoologists, veterinarians, conservationists, etc. while also learning plenty myself. I am surrounded by new cultures, languages, music, foods, customs, wildlife, ecosystems, and people who know way more about zoos than I do – and what better way to learn than this?! I have discovered new passions and deepened existing ones during my time here so far, and I cannot wait to see where the rest of the summer takes me!
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