On April 10th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm CST at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park (28500 W. Park Highway, Ashland, NE 68003), we will be bringing together partners involved in conservation across the state. We expect approximately 65 University of Nebraska faculty, staff, and students, 65 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission administrators, biologists, and staff, and 20 other agriculture and conservation partners to attend this event.
The primary objectives of the day are:
- Provide a venue for participants to connect and foster relationships to solve complex conservation challenges in the 21st century.
- Provide an opportunity for the development of collaborative, cross-agency teams to be developed around critical conservation needs.
- Provide a venue to connect students with conservation professionals as prospective future employees.
We anticipate workshop attendees will develop new relationships and strengthen existing relationships and connections across the University of Nebraska, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and other conservation partners in Nebraska. This workshop will also serve as a connection point for undergraduate and graduate students to provide their input on solutions to the critical conservation needs that we are facing in the 21st century while also developing relationships with potential future employers. Lastly, this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to create collaborative, cross-agency teams focused on addressing our conservation challenges in Nebraska and beyond.
Note: This workshop is different than the Conservation Practitioner meetings in August 2023 and the Strategic Discussion for Fish and Wildlife Partnerships in January 2024. Specifically, the Natural Resources Conservation Connecting Points (NRCCCP) Workshop will include a broader group of individuals—from students to field biologists to top-level administrators—to network, discover disciplines of overlap, and initiate and/or strengthen relationships/partnerships. Although projects and specific topics may be discussed, the focus of this workshop is to provide a venue for participants to connect and foster relationships to solve complex conservation challenges in the 21st century.
Tentative agenda at https://go.unl.edu/connectingpointagenda2024
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Andrew Little (alittle6@unl.edu).