As part of the process to review and revise the IANR/CASNR Strategic Framework for Graduate Education, you are invited to attend Graduate Education Listening Sessions.
Date (Time/Location):
Monday, April 1, 2024 (1:00 - 2:30 pm; ECU- Prairie B/C (Goldenrod/Sunflower)
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (10:30 am – noon; location TBD)
Purpose: The IANR/CASNR Strategic Framework for Graduate Education was developed and launched in 2019 to determine the vision for IANR graduate education, to push boundaries of traditional academic education, and to provide students with an educational experience that prepares them to be the next generation of leaders, scientists, educators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. Reviewing and revising a strategic framework is essential for adapting to changes, for continuous improvement, and to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our graduate and professional students.
Register at:
Note: These listening sessions are dedicated to our academic community (e.g., faculty, staff, unit leaders). Separate listening sessions will be held for graduate and professional students.
Thank you for all you do for our graduate and professional students! We look forward to seeing you!
Tom Burkey, CASNR Associate Dean for Graduate Education
Keenan Amundsen, CASNR Faculty Fellow of Graduate Education