Simply Straws is challenging you and your campus to go Plastic Straw Free! The goal: Get as many people as possible to #PledgeAgainstPlasticStraws (students, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends).
The #PledgeAgainstPlasticStraws 2018 Campus Challenge is between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's campus and all other registered campuses. The campus that gathers the most pledges over the entire month of April wins! The campus (one High School and one College) that gathers the largest number of pledges throughout April wins 100 custom etched reusable glass straws from Simply Straws. Not only will your campus get 100 straws, we will feature your campus on our website and on social media.
Everyone who takes the pledge gets a free straw. To take your pledge, just visit and share your reason to #PledgeAgainstPlasticStraws on social media and enter their email. In return, you will receive a coupon for an $8 reusable glass straw.
** We will gather pledges from April 1 to 30, 2018 (Midnight PST).**
You've heard the stats: 500 Million plastic straws are used daily in the United States alone. That means we can fill up Yankee Stadium nine times annually! Straws are not recyclable so they end up in landfills where they will never fully decompose or even worse, in our waterways including oceans, rivers and streams. By the year 2030 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish! You have the ability to be part of the plastic pollution solution by refusing plastic straws. We like to think beyond the stats. Refusing plastic straws is a small step that an individual can take without sacrifice, especially with your reusable glass straw. One small step, when performed by many, again and again can become a movement. A movement is what creates change. Let's gather together and make a change to impact our future one straw at a time!
If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to Peyton Millard at OR (308) 920-2782
Read all fine print before choosing to participate.
More details at: