Brian Bruckner, of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District, will present “Managing Nitrates In the Bazile Groundwater Management Area – Where Do We Go From Here?” at 3:30 p.m. March 13 in Hardin Hall Auditorium as part of the Spring Water Seminar Series, a collaboration between the Nebraska Water Center and the School of Natural Resources.
Bruckner will talk about how Northeast Nebraska has been dealing with nitrates in our groundwater for more than 30 years. It has and will remain a priority for the four Natural Resources Districts involved in the Bazile Groundwater Management Area.
The presentation will describe the history of the area, the challenges water managers face in addressing the issue, the path going forward, and lastly a plead for help. With one of the most precious natural resources in the balance, a multi-faceted approach with support from others will be needed, Bruckner noted in his abstract.
The presentation will be livestreamed at https://unl.zoom.us/j/151828147.
About the seminar series
This year's annual Water Seminar Series explores the priorities and challenges in Nebraska’s natural resource districts. Unlike the rest of the nation, natural resource districts in Nebraska are based on river basin boundaries, allowing the Cornhusker State to approach natural resources management on a watershed basis.
There are 23 autonomous districts in Nebraska, each governed by a locally-elected board of directors that set priorities and programs to best serve local needs. The Water Seminar Series will include insights from those who manage these watersheds and how they can be applied to wider state policy.
For more information, contact Tricia Liedle at pliedle@nebraska.edu or 402-472-3305.
More details at: http://events.unl.edu/2019/03/13/136728/