We’re sending out big congratulations to the school's Summer 2019 graduates. They were among the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's 734 grads honored during commencement exercises Aug. 17 at the Pinnacle Bank Arena in downtown Lincoln.
The Nebraska graduates were from 35 countries, 38 states and more than 85 Nebraska communities. The following is a list of School of Natural Resources graduates; for the complete list of University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduates, click here.
- Riley Hackbart, of Omaha, environmental restoration science
- Meghan Manary, of North Platte, fisheries and wildlife
Masters Graduates
- Tobias Scott Burnham, of Lincoln, natural resource sciences
- Kyle Duncan Dougherty, of Alma, Michigan, natural resource sciences
- Mary Grace Keilhauer, of Lincoln, natural resource sciences
- Mary Noel, of Lincoln, natural resource sciences
- Samuel Ortega-Salazar, of Talca, Chile, natural resource sciences
- Sarah Kathryn Spier, of Lincoln, natural resource sciences
- Beichen Zhang, of Shijiazhuang, China, natural resource sciences
PhD Graduates
- Jessica Burnett, of Lincoln, doctor of philosophy natural resource sciences
- Amanda Lipinksi, of Denton, doctor of philosophy natural resource sciences
- Denis Araujo Mariano, of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, doctor of philosophy natural resource sciences
- Nicholas Smeenk, of Columbus, Ohio, doctor of philosophy natural resource sciences.
Susan Fritz, interim president of the University of Nebraska, and the first woman to serve in the position, delivered the commencement address “This Place, These People, These Opportunities.” She told Lincoln’s summer graduates to follow their dreams, live their values and keep an open mind.
A Nebraska native and first-generation college student, Fritz recalled how she originally planned to be an accountant but changed her mind two weeks before she was supposed to take the CPA exam. She said she woke up and realized it wasn’t what she wanted to do with her life.
“I will never know what would have happened if I would have silenced that voice inside me and taken that exam,” she said. “Maybe I would have had a perfectly pleasant career as an accountant. But 30-some years later, I get to wake up every day and come to a job that I love, doing work that I’m passionate about, with more adventures still on the way. I know I made that right choice for me.”
Fritz told the graduates that the state and nation need their leadership, talents and ideas now as much as ever.
The August graduating class earned 361 new graduate and professional degrees and 373 new baccalaureate degrees. The university has awarded 294,326 degrees since it was founded in 1869.
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Nebraska Today contributed to this report.
More details at: http://snr.unl.edu