Registration is open for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s All-Staff Conference, which is May 20-21 in the Nebraska East Union.
The conference will feature a keynote from the Dr. Karen Kassenbaum and more than 20 presentations focused on professional development, encourage cross-campus dialogue and provide support for the University staff at every level. The conference is designed to foster engagement among participants, encouraging all to become more involved and aware of the power of a unified staff identity and voice.
In-person attendance is free and limited. Based on previous year’s attendees feedback, the conference will be offered in a hybrid format, with limited sessions offered virtually, via Zoom. Registration is required for both attendance options.
The All-Staff Conference aligns with the N2025 Strategic Plan and its aim to, “Prioritize participation and professional development for all Nebraska students, staff, and faculty.”
Conference workshop sessions have been created by and will be facilitated by University of Nebraska–Lincoln staff, faculty, and community members. The conference will also feature an opportunity for staff to meet with their Staff Senate district representatives in collaborative informative sessions.
New this year: Attendees will have the chance to explore East Campus through tours, socialize with their peers through guided lunchtime conversations, and participate in well-being breaks.
Full details about the conference, including the agenda, are available online.
Volunteers are being sought to assist with the All-Staff Conference as room hosts, session moderators, and Zoom facilitators. For more information on how to volunteer, contact Caitlin Smith at csmith45@unl.edu.
More details at: https://staff-conference.unl.edu/