Greetings, UNL Staff,
Welcome to another edition of our Staff Senate newsletter! This newsletter serves as a conduit for information, a platform for celebration and a testament to the remarkable contributions of our diverse and talented staff members.
In our last newsletter, found here, we discussed 2024 being a year of advocating, serving, and engaging with UNL staff. We shared what the next steps are for our Staff Senate and how we are poised to make it another impactful year.
This month we are celebrating the close of another successful semester and the transition that accompanies this time. As you know, we have outgoing senators who will be relinquishing their leadership positions to our new senator elects. We have nineteen new senators that will begin their terms in July. I would like to thank our Elections Committee and all staff senators that promoted and contributed to our first successful set of annual elections. Thank you to all the intentional and dedicated people that nominated themselves or peers to be a voice that advocates for staff.
With the beginning of new terms, we also recognize the importance of senators that are transitioning out of Staff Senate. The work completed and the impact made would not have been the same without each and every individual on our senate. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication, time, and sacrifice as we navigated this inaugural year together. Thank you!
We will also be electing new officers in our July meeting. This includes our President, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of External Affairs and Secretary. As my term as President comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the past year. It's been an honor and a privilege to serve as your President, guiding our senate through challenges, celebrating our triumphs, and witnessing the incredible dedication each of you has shown to our shared mission. As I pen this final newsletter, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to lead such a passionate and talented group of individuals.
Before we celebrate these transitions, we have multiple platforms in which to engage with Staff Senate and celebrate staff.
May 8th was our first session during the New Employee Orientation. Our UNL Human Resources department reached out to the Staff Senate earlier this year to offer a partnership during these important sessions for new employees. Staff Senate members had an opportunity to engage with new employees during these sessions and provided meaningful information and opportunities for discussion. We are greatly appreciative of the UNL Human Resources division for reaching out and including us in these information packed sessions!
During the May commencements for graduates and undergraduates, the Staff Senate is invited to participate in the ceremony. We submitted a video congratulation message to be played during the ceremony and we have a place in the processional. This inclusion of staff in a university event is thanks to our own, Senator Tony Lazarowicz. Tony brought the opportunity forward to the Staff Senate, and the Executive Committee partnered with the Chancellor’s office to make this a reality. This is one notable example of how staff ideas and suggestions can be moved forward through a united voice.
May 20th and 21st offer the opportunity for Staff Senate to engage with more staff members at the All-Staff Conference. I will have the opportunity to provide an update to staff on the successes of our first year and what the next year may look like. We also were invited by the All-Staff Conference organizers to hold breakout sessions for each district. This will give staff an opportunity to meet with their district senators. Please consider attending those breakout sessions if you are attending the All-Staff Conference.
As the academic semester draws to a close, we know that the work of staff is never done. Our summer may look different than the academic semester, but the impact is just as important. While we look ahead to the next set of adventures, I hope that you can enjoy the nicer weather and fill your days with what makes you happiest. Thank you for being a constant that the university relies on to move our shared mission forward.
This is the last newsletter for this academic year. We look forward to connecting this way again in the fall. In the meantime, I ask that you continue to engage with your district representatives and bring forward your concerns or celebrations.
Finally, please take a moment to visit, direct questions and concerns to our website at staffsenate.unl.edu or email us at staffsenate@unl.edu. Also, continue to share and encourage other staff members to sign up for this newsletter. Click here to sign up for the Staff Senate Newsletter.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Staff Senate President this last year. I cannot wait to see what the next set of leaders accomplish through the Staff Senate in 2024.
More details at: https://staffsenate.unl.edu/