LGBTQA+ students can create connections at workplace inclusion event

LGBTQA+ students and their allies will discuss inclusion at work with employers actively engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts.
LGBTQA+ students and their allies will discuss inclusion at work with employers actively engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts.

At Pride in the Workplace, LGBTQA+ students, their allies, and employers will create connections and discuss workplace inclusion. The virtual event will be on Oct. 14 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Students and allies can join via Zoom online.

Coordinated by Career Services in collaboration with the LGBTQA+ Resource Center and Union Pacific, Pride in the Workplace connects students and allies with organizations working to create an employment environment that is diverse and inclusive. Strategies to navigate their job search and the workplace as an LGBTQA+ student will be discussed in addition to initiatives these organizations have taken to create a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive workplace.

Allies who support LGBTQA+ students and look for inclusive work environments themselves are also encouraged to participate.

"Diversity and inclusion are equally critical to the success of an organization…When everyone is included in the conversation our accomplishments are unlimited. Pride in the Workplace is a unique opportunity for LGBTQA+ students and allies to connect with companies…that care as much as you [about diversity and inclusion]" – Wesley Dooley, SHRM-CP, Workforce Resources Business Partner, Union Pacific Railroad

In addition to Union Pacific, last year’s Pride in the Workplace event connected students with Mutual of Omaha, LinkedIn, UNL, PayPal, Hyatt, and more. This year’s organizations will be available online.

David Black, Director of Carrier Relations and current President of BRIDGES, Union Pacific’s Employee Resource Groups for LGBTQA+ team members, will open the event with a brief presentation on his career path and experiences, followed by introductions of the participating organizations who will engage students and allies with smaller, direct conversations in break-out rooms. Participants can move from room to room to maximize the information and connections they gain.

For more information, contact Greyson Holliday, Career Advisor, at

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