In collaboration with the Center for Transformative Teaching, the Writing Center is seeking 1-2 faculty members interested in incorporating writing fellows into one of their courses during the spring 2022 semester. Writing fellows are primarily undergraduate Writing Center consultants who work in close partnership with faculty to support student writing in particular classes across the disciplines. Each fellow works one-to-one with 10-15 students on specific writing assignments, giving written feedback on rough drafts and holding in-person conferences to help students revise their writing before submitting a final draft to faculty.
How do writing fellows help students?
Writing fellows talk through ideas and problems with students to help them figure out how to express their own ideas as clearly and effectively as possible. They are not editors or proofreaders; rather, they are peers who work to help students meet their writing goals in these courses and become stronger, more confident writers and thinkers.
What faculty partners say:
“Working with the writing fellow made me more cognizant of my own writing process and … the kinds of things that are opaque to students as they are learning to improve their writing.”
“Since it integrates directly into courses and requires students to participate (instead of just visiting the Writing Center), the program helps professors be more effective and time-efficient in assigning more writing in their courses, which benefits students.”
What student participants say:
“The fellow helped me to look at developing my ideas a step further for this paper, so I have been able to take that skill and use it in all of my writing.”
“It was nice to have someone not in the sciences read over the paper who is more versed in English and writing. It was good to have another perspective.”
How do I partner with the program?
To be eligible, faculty members should be teaching a course in spring 2022 with an enrollment between 8-32 students. The course should include at least two significant writing assignments, with a schedule that allows for students to revise drafts of these assignments. Faculty will be awarded a one-time $250 stipend after participating in a brief training at the beginning of the semester.
Learn more at the Writing Fellows Program website. If you have questions, contact Rachel Azima, Writing Center Director and Director of the Writing Fellows Program, at razima2@unl.edu, or Nicole Green, Assistant Director of the Writing Fellows Program, at n.green.unl@gmail.com.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/writingfellows