Encourage students to apply for Experiential Tracks by Mar. 25

Students may choose from four tracks related to their interests.
Students may choose from four tracks related to their interests.

Encourage your students to apply by March 25 to join an Honors Experiential Track for 2022-23.

These tracks allow students to explore a topic alongside engaging faculty mentors; find a community of peers and a professional network in Lincoln; receive funding for internships, education abroad, and research; participate in special events and field trips; and gain additional experience through group projects and volunteer opportunities.

Track options include:

  • Civic Leaders, led by L.J. McElravy and Jordan Soliz
  • Future Healers, led by Jaci Gustafson, Erin Sayer, and Shinya Takahashi
  • Global Changemakers, led by Emira Ibrahimpašić and Tyler White
  • Sustainability Stewards, led by Keeley MacNeill and Hillary Mason

Tracks are open to Honors students and all UNL students with a GPA of 3.5 or above who will be second or third year students in 2022-23. Participants are required to take two 1-credit courses with their cohort: UHON 301H in the fall and UHON 302H in the spring.

Contact Rebecca Baskerville at rlbaskerville@unl.edu with any questions.

More details at: https://honors.unl.edu/academics/honors-tracks