Encourage your students to apply by March 25 to join an Honors Experiential Track for 2022-23.
These tracks allow students to explore a topic alongside engaging faculty mentors; find a community of peers and a professional network in Lincoln; receive funding for internships, education abroad, and research; participate in special events and field trips; and gain additional experience through group projects and volunteer opportunities.
Track options include:
- Civic Leaders, led by L.J. McElravy and Jordan Soliz
- Future Healers, led by Jaci Gustafson, Erin Sayer, and Shinya Takahashi
- Global Changemakers, led by Emira Ibrahimpašić and Tyler White
- Sustainability Stewards, led by Keeley MacNeill and Hillary Mason
Tracks are open to Honors students and all UNL students with a GPA of 3.5 or above who will be second or third year students in 2022-23. Participants are required to take two 1-credit courses with their cohort: UHON 301H in the fall and UHON 302H in the spring.
Contact Rebecca Baskerville at rlbaskerville@unl.edu with any questions.
More details at: https://honors.unl.edu/academics/honors-tracks