Lecture Capture
This fall, Academic Technologies is encouraging faculty to take advantage of its popular Lecture Capture service.
Lecture Capture is currently provided in 16 classrooms around campus: AVH 106, AVH 115, BEAD E103*, BESY 117*, BL 105*, BL 206*, BURN 115*, FOOD 42, HAH 110, HENZ 124, JH 110, KEIM 262, LLS 102, OTHM 106, RH 15, and TEAC 105. These classrooms are all equipped with automated lecture capturing capabilities that allow for the full capture of audio and video during lectures. After this capture is complete, recorded files are automatically uploaded to instructors’ YuJa video library at unl.yuja.com. These files can then be shared with students.
Instructors teaching in a classroom marked with an asterisk (BEAD E103, BESY 117, BL 105, BL 206, and BURN 115), should contact lecture_capture@nebraska.edu to learn more about setting up Lecture Capture in these classrooms.
For the other classrooms, the sign-up process for scheduling recordings can be completed by visiting go.unl.edu/lecturecapture. Contact support@nebraska.edu with questions.
Academic Technologies Learning Series
We are continuing our Learning Series, a synchronous Zoom based training series, with several upcoming dates and topics:
- YuJa Advanced Sept. 19, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. – A representative from YuJa will be covering topics for advanced users, including how to edit a video, how to create a YuJa quiz, and how to use YuJa analytics. Register online.
- iClicker Cloud Sept. 26, 10-11 a.m. – A representative from iClicker will give an overview of iClicker Cloud, a classroom engagement solution designed to increase student attendance, preparedness, and understanding of course material. Topics will include: how iClicker works, how to create a free instructor account and course, a polling demonstration, a review of the iClicker instructor site, new features, grade sync to Canvas, and support options. Register online.
- YuJa Basics Oct. 5, 10-11 a.m. – Learn the basics of using YuJa, UNL's new academic video platform. We will demonstrate how to log on, use YuJa, and include a discussion of its features. Register online.
- The Digital Learning Center and Respondus Oct. 10, 2-3 p.m. – Learn how to schedule exams at the DLC Exam Commons and how Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor can be used by instructors. Register online.
- Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud Oct. 19, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. – Learn how to effectively use Adobe products, no matter what discipline you are in, to your advantage. Adobe representatives will demonstrate Adobe Stock and Adobe Express and give an overview of the Creative Cloud suite. Register online.
- Course Evaluations Oct. 23, 3-4 p.m. – Learn how to modify course evaluation questions and how to use reporting and analytics to gain insights about evaluations. Register online.
All sessions will be recorded and made available online in the Academic Technologies Shared Folder on YuJa.
Technology Tuesdays
For just-in-time support and general questions about UNL technology, Academic Technologies will be offering office hours every Tuesday during the semester through Dec. 12 from 2-4 p.m.
Faculty and staff can join Academic Technologies on Zoom to ask any technology questions they might have. From Canvas to classroom technology to OneDrive questions, the staff is ready to help with any of your technology needs.
No advance sign up is necessary. Join using: go.unl.edu/techtuesdays.
Contact Amy Barry at amybarry@nebraska.edu with questions.
More details at: https://its.unl.edu/