Harold Jarche is an international consultant and speaker on connected leadership, networked management, group collaboration, and personal knowledge mastery. A graduate of the Royal Military College, Jarche served over 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces in leadership and training roles.
Jarche will lead two different programs for UNL faculty. Each will include a 90-minute luncheon with a hands-on two-hour lab:
Personal Knowledge Mastery (PKM): A Framework for Network Learning
Monday, February 22 12-1:30 pm (luncheon)
Tuesday, February 23, 3-5:00 pm (lab)
Connected Leadership in a World of Perpetual Beta
Friday, February 26 12-1:30 pm (luncheon)
1:30-3:30 (lab)
Both programs are sponsored by the UNL College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and UNL Extension.
For more details: Contact Dan Cotton at dcotton1@unl.edu or Diane Wasser at dwasser1@unl.edu with the CASNR Office of Extended Education.