Help your Top Students Earn National Fellowships

Maggie Dawson, Boren Scholarship Recipient, in Ethiopia
Maggie Dawson, Boren Scholarship Recipient, in Ethiopia

We’ve all had the experience of students who stand out. They are bright, inquisitive, talkative, and engaged. If you have such students, please encourage them to apply for some amazing opportunities available through the National Fellowships office

Faculty members are key partners in helping to identify potential applicants for these high value scholarships. For example, Professor Mary Willis from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics encouraged her student, Maggie Dawson, to apply for the Boren Scholarship, which supports the study of critical languages.  Maggie won $20,000 to go to Mozambique to study Portuguese and to conduct an internship with the International NGO, CARE.   

Because these scholarship and fellowship awards are highly competitive with time-consuming applications, students must begin preparing early in their undergraduate careers. Additionally, many require submission through a campus approval process. The Fellowships Office offers students dedicated, individual advising through the process of choosing awards for which to apply, reviewing and helping them in the writing of their application essays, navigating the application process, and even preparing for finalist interviews when appropriate. We need your help in getting the word out about these awards and the support this office provides. Read more about our prominent awards here:

The Fellowships office is a campus-wide resource for all eligible students. Feel free to contact Laura Damuth for more information about these awards. She is also available to visit your classes to provide short information sessions on a variety of scholarship opportunities.

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