The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is pleased to sponsor the Fall 2017 Teaching and Learning Symposium:
Motivation, Engagement, Innovation, and Evidence
October 9, 2017
1:00 - 4:30pm
Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center
This symposium provides an opportunity to engage in conversations about teaching and learning, to hear from experts on emerging issues in improving student outcomes, and to network with others seeking to improve teaching at UNL.
In his keynote address, Course Design and the Broken Escalator, Michael Palmer, University of Virginia, will explore the principles of effective course design that will help you move students towards the types of engagement and learning you hope for. The interactive workshop-style breakout sessions following the keynote will concentrate on topics deemed of critical interest by past symposium participants and will highlight major principles noted in the keynote address, while providing immediately applicable strategies and time to interact with your colleagues on challenges faced in implementation.
Contact Marie Barber at or 402-472-4354 for further assistance.
More details at: