NEBRASKA's Honors students are passionate about expanding their horizons by taking on additional academic challenges and interacting closely with faculty like you. Working with these creative and academically talented students allows you to engage in stimulating debate and discussion, experiment with innovative teaching strategies, and identify students for undergraduate research opportunities.
As always, we invite you to serve as instructors for undergraduate Honors courses . Our students are excited to get to know you outside the normal context of a classroom as well.
The Honors Program will be hosting a number of events to facilitate your ability to interact with Honors students.
• “Meet the Majors” is an opportunity for honors students to meet faculty, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students in their major department.
• Pizza & Professors” is an opportunity for honors students in your class to invite you for a lunch
You can also work with students through a variety of Honors Experiences, where students can earn Honors credit for research/creative activity, internship, education abroad, and civic engagement. More details can be found here:
Undergraduates also can receive Honors credit for enrolling in graduate-level coursework--which could be a great way to boost enrollment in your grad-level course. Let us know if we can help recruit students to your class.
Finally, we invite you to help shape the future of Honors by participating in the Honors Faculty Advisory Group. Please contact Dr. Gwen Bachman at if you are interested in joining!
More details at: