First Generation Nebraska is an initiative sponsored by the University of Nebraska's Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor to provide resources and support for first generation students' success. Throughout the academic year the EVC office will sponsor social events and programs and spotlight members of our first gen community. Below are three current ways you can participate:
1) Pick up a First Gen button and office placard from the EVC Office, 208 Canfield anytime between 8 am-5 pm Monday through Friday. Wear your button so other first gen Nebraskans can identify you as someone who may share a similar experience. To stay up to date with our most recent announcements and events, join our First Gen listserv:
2) Attend a screening of the film “First Generation” followed by discussion on best practices for working with first-generation students on Thursday, October 12th from 8:00am-10:00 am, NE Union Auditorium, Regency A & B. This event is sponsored by the Offices of Academic Success and Intercultural Services, Scholarships & Financial Aid, and First-Year Experience & Transition Programs. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 4th:
3) Take some first generation students for a meal in a Nebraska dining hall. The First Generation Nebraska meal program is designed to help first generation faculty and staff connect with first generation students in more informal and intimate settings. Faculty and staff who were first generation can share their stories and mentor students with advice about navigating the college experience over a free meal in a Nebraska dining hall. Contact Danielle McRell at to reserve your tickets.
Contact: For more information about First Generation Nebraska
contact Amy Goodburn (first gen students) at or
Judy Walker (first gen faculty or staff)