UNL's Combined Campaign has reached its mid-way point and organizers announce giving has reached 37 percent of the $430,000 total goal. Combined Campaign chair Mike Zeleny reminds UNL faculty and staff that they can give online or download forms online because the campaign this year is going "paperless."
Zeleny sent the following message on Nov. 16:
"We're mid-way through our Combined Campaign and want to share an update with you. We're pleased that we've reached 37 percent of our $430,000 goal. A special thank you to each of you who have contributed.
To date, 636 donors have contributed to the campaign. Last year a total of 2,245 donors supported the campaign. As you know, we've eliminated the paper-based aspect of the campaign in favor of a more environmentally friendly paperless approach. That makes it more difficult to personally remind one another to "turn in your envelope."
If you have not yet logged on to make a pledge, now is the time. You can pledge on line at http://www.unl.edu/ucomm/chancllr/combined_campaign/, or if you prefer a paper pledge card, that is available as well at the same site.
A donation of even a few dollars makes an important difference in the life of someone who needs help with life's basic necessities.
Anything you can contribute will be gratefully used to benefit those who need it most."
- Mike Zeleny, UNL Combined Campaign Chair
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/6z0